Operation Evicts Anti miner groups In Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires, Imbabura province.

The National Police with the Army evicted an anti-mining group and illegal miners, who impeded the development of the activities of this productive sector in the La Merced parish of Buenos Aires, in the province of Imbabura.

The operation began at 03:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 3. Against the resistance of the protesters, there were slight clashes with members of the National Police.

Prensa Minera was in that place, and they confirmed the actions of approximately 250 public order officials, who took control of the situation.

The anti-miners made impossible the constitutional right to excavation work, free movement, freedom of expression, and access to mining concessions established in the area.

The road was closed by the people who oppose mining, who arbitrarily closed the paths in Buenos Aires for more than 100 days due to the so-called «Peaceful Resistance» to prevent the development of extraction work.

The situation in the parish is under control, the roads cleared, and the mining works resumed in the area.

Mauricio Almeida, North Zone Coordinator of the Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, highlighted that five areas of mining concessions of more than 12,000 hectares, which are authorized to carry out initial exploration, have returned to their functions.