Ecuadorian State And Its Laws Return To Rule In Buenos Aires.

The sun shone again at the Buenos Aires parish. More than 300 workers from the Hanrine Ecuadorian mining company were finally able to enter the concession area.

- Anuncios -

The Mining Press Agency agrees with the timely decision of the National Government to stop the groups against the development of this realm, an action that puts back a safe workspace to the area and that means a defeat for illegal mining.

The event demonstrates the illegality of the actions of the anti-mining groups, which arbitrarily blocked the entrance road to La Merced for more than 100 days to prevent the entry of excavation workers.

The operative was for direct enforcement of the law and the rule of law throughout the Ecuadorian territory. After the public forces regained control of the zone, eleven trucks and other vehicles from the Hanrine Ecuadorian mining company entered the road.

Notably, the right to resistance invoked by the anti-miners consists of expressing their opinion before a fact as every citizen.

The contrary is the commitment of crimes like road closures, assaulting people, journalists intimidation, stigmatizing companies, burning camps, typified crimes in the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code (COID), and those are not part of the right of resistance of those who oppose the extraction of metals.

The summer winds invite the reconciliation of life and work, the development of this strategic sector that generates thousands of stable jobs for Ecuadorians, such as boosts the economy by keeping the currency active with the entry of foreign currency from exports of this item.

- Anuncios -

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